



1 hour

Address signs of aging with a natural-looking treatment

Sculptra is an FDA approved injectable used to stimulate collagen production, resulting in improved skin texture and volume. Sculptra can be used to address facial wrinkles, fine lines, and folds with a natural and subtle approach to aging that lasts 2+ years

What to expect

  • • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications and supplements, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E, for at least one week before the treatment to decrase the risk of bruising.

    • Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours before the treatment to decrase the risk of bruising.

    • Avoid any facial lasers or energy-based device treatments for up to two weeks before the treatment.

    • Ensure that you are well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to the treatment.

    • Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning beds for at least two weeks before the treatment.

  • • We'll start with a comprehensive evaluation where we carefully examine your facial anatomy, discuss your goals, and identify the ideal treatment areas.

    • Adriana will carefully deliver the appropriate dose of Sculptra into targeted areas using ultrafine needles and/or micro cannula technique.

  • • Avoid applying makeup, sunblock, or any skincare products for at least 4 hours after treatment.

    • Do not massage or rub the treated area for at least 24 hours after treatment to avoid moving the product.

    • Apply an ice pack or cold compress on the treated area to reduce swelling or bruising.

    • Avoid strenuous exercise, sauna, or hot yoga for 24 hours after treatment.

    • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help the body absorb the product.

    • Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 to protect the skin.

 Common questions

  • Sculptra will signal your body to produce collagen over 6 months after treatment. Individual results vary, but you may see noticeable improvements around 6-8 weeks, with final results around 6 months. Final results last for up to two years. As with all cosmetic treatments, everyone is different, and will require a different dose and number of treatments to achieve optimal outcomes. Usually 2+ treatments are required to see substantial results.

  • Sculptra produces minimal post-treatment side effects. You may experience mild redness, swelling, tenderness, discomfort, and bruising around the treatment sites, but there are no harsh complications. The side effects usually dissipate within a few days. You can resume most of your daily activities immediately — no downtime. But you should avoid strenuous workouts and exercise for several days.

Not sure what service is right for you?

Discuss with our experts and develop a custom treatment plan catered to your unique skin concerns and goals.