Chemical Peel




30 mins

Note: Since skin preparation varies, we require a prior consultation appointment before a chemical peel

Uncover healthy, radiant, and bright skin with our medical-grade peel

Chemical peels address skin texture, sun spots & pigment, fine lines & wrinkles, acne scars, melasma, skin dullness, photodamage, and increase absorption of your at-home skincare regimen. We offer a few types and will help you choose the best option for your unique skin concerns. Since skin preparation varies, we require a prior consultation appointment before a chemical peel.

What to expect

  • Note: We require a consultation prior to your chemical peel

    • Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to to your appointment.

    • Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning beds for at least two weeks before the treatment.

  • • During your peel you may feel a tingling sensation, but won't experience any pain.

  • • Your skin will look smoother and tighter after chemical peels, but the true results appear gradually.

    • Expect flaking for up to one week.

    • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least a week after the treatment, and always wear sunscreen.

    • Avoid using exfoliants or scrubs on the treated area until skin is back to normal.

    • Avoid sweating excessively or engaging in strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

    • Some patients see pigmented spots, age spots, and sunspots - these are normal and should appear softer after a few days.

    • After the peeling process, your facial skin will look significantly smoother, softer, and more-even textured, but expect gradual results over serveral weeks as your body produces new collagen fibers.

    • Depending on your unique conditions, you may need multiple treatments a few weeks apart for optimal results.

 Common questions

  • Your skin will look smoother and tighter after chemical peels, but the true results appear gradually. After the peeling process, your facial skin will look significantly smoother, softer, and more-even textured. The pigmented spots, age spots, and sunspots may also appear softer after a few days. But most results appear gradually over several weeks as your body produces new collagen fibers. Depending on your unique conditions, you may need multiple treatments a few weeks apart for optimal results.

  • MAEVA Aesthetics provides incredibly powerful and deep chemical peels that involve minimal post-treatment side effects. You may experience mild redness, swelling, tenderness, and discomfort around the treatment areas, but these side effects dissipate after a few days. Your skin may start peeling after a few days, but that’s perfectly normal. You must apply moisturizers, wear sunscreen, and avoid direct sunlight to protect your skin. But you can resume most of your daily activities immediately.

  • Your Chemical Peel Options:

    VI Peel: VI Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel that reaches into the dermis, exfoliates your skin, and stimulates collagen production. It’s made of various ingredients, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), phenol, salicylic acid, and vitamin C. You’re the ideal candidate for a VI Peel if you have pigmentation problems, acne breakouts, acne scarring, and signs of aging.

    ZO 3-Step Peel: The ZO 3-Step Peel consists of numerous chemical peels for different types of skin conditions, such as signs of aging and skin discoloration. It’s made of trichloroacetic acid (TCA), lactic acid, and other chemicals that exfoliate the uppermost layers of your skin, following which it provides antioxidant protection. The chemical peel is followed by at-home skincare treatment.

Not sure what service is right for you?

Discuss with our experts and develop a custom treatment plan catered to your unique skin concerns and goals.